Work With Shara
Keynotes and Workshops For Organizations & Conference

As Christian Conference Leaders, you want an audience that is fully engaged with the theme and content your speakers bring to the stage and workshops that you have expertly designed.
Yet, over the past couple of years Christians have felt wounded, isolated, apathetic, and a bit discombobulated with the riffs that are happening around them.
They are seeking energy, guidance, and top Bible based teaching that resonates with the resolve that the early church leaders had.
You want that for your event and for its participants.
I know how frustrated you must feel trying to re-engage an audience again after such a challenging time for everyone.
How do you provide a blend of Bible engagement that carries across all ages and learning styles?
You desire to provide an energetic atmosphere where words of affirmation and skillful challenge are given to the event participants for extraordinary growth and courage to conquer apathy and Bible truth slothfulness.
I can help!
For over 20 years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach men, women and teens the skills they need to fully engage with their bibles on their own, so they naturally enjoy Bible engagement and fully participate in a Christ centered life full of joy, hope, and courage.
And this is my area of expertise!
I provide avenues and answer the big, “why” should we all read and study the bible, that will fit into the programming you have in mind.
- My Keynote: Simple Study Steps for Bible Success, or
- My signature interactive workshops, Bible Boot Camp or Bible Boutique,
We can boost the confidence of your audience in their bible skills no matter what level of knowledge they are on.
I can tailor a mini-workshop based upon a specific topic or need that you may have.
These avenues allow insightful story telling instruction that is memorable for application immediately.
I would love to talk to you about ideas I have.

Connect with me and let's map out a plan that fits your event needs with ease.
Your event participants will thrive greatly and naturally feel ready to re-engage with their church community.
Just like you, I am just a mechanism the Lord is using to get his message out.
I am so tickled to get to work with you and your team as we add Bible engagement success skills and inspirational energy to those who choose to come to see the excitement you have created.
It’s going to be great!