Week 1 of my October Paper and Pen Challenge

October 4, 2024
Week one of my challenge to use more paper and pen and less electronics has been fun so far:
• My right hand was a little crampy two days ago, but I think that was because I had written a lot while researching a product I wanted to buy.
• I love reading my paper devotional and have not missed using my phone to listen to my daily devotional. Not missed it at all in 4 days.
• I have NOT missed having my phone beside me at night. I thought I would miss an important text or phone call, but nope! The world is just fine without me having my phone beside the bed, and it is still located on the corner of my desk. I have not lost my phone in four days!
• I have kept a running grocery list on my countertop, and I am amazed at how useful it has been for meal planning for the days ahead.
• My Bible reading time seems less technical. I have a pen and find I am making little check marks, underlining, squiggle marks, and jotting notes about what I am reading in my Immerse Bible. If feels like I am interacting with the text by holding the paper Bible.
• I have had so many ideas about things to research and do this week. Is that because of paper and pen? I don’t know, but I like it a lot!
Now for my biggest “Ah-Ha” moment! The mailbox!
This week, a Cold Water Creek clothing catalog, my Mature Living magazine, a newsletter from Hillsdale College, a financial newsletter from our investment company, and two Christmas catalogs arrived in the mailbox. These items always arrive, but I throw them away quickly because I don’t take time to look at them, knowing that I can look up online whatever they tell me on my computers if I want to hear what they are selling or informing me.
Here is a shocker. I never go hunting down the information they are sending into my mailbox.
Yesterday, I took the newsletters to the porch to read while drinking my coffee. They were amazing!!! I tore out an article from the Edward Jones article about talking to your family about end-of-life finances. That is such great information. The Hillsdale newsletter was fascinating, and I will re-read it today to ensure I took in all the information they told me. I didn’t want to be a reader of this newsletter but an informed participant of the information in the newsletter.
Last night, after getting ready for bed, I grabbed the Cold-Water Creek catalog and dog-eared three pages with items I plan on ordering when I have scheduled computer time today. Will I order them? I hope so, but this also gives me time to decide if I truly need the items and if purchasing them is wise. It eliminates the impulse purchase aspect.
I have looked at my Mature Living magazine and decided to set it aside for a day when I can give it my full attention. I am certain I will because the articles inside resonate with me, and I am excited to read them—I really am!!
As for the toy catalogs, well, the Grandchildren are spending the night with us this weekend, and I have markers, tape, scissors, and a poster board for them to use as they make a “wish list.” It will occupy them for hours if they are anything like their parents growing up!
I didn’t think we get much in our mailbox anymore, and I can honestly let three or four days go by without checking. Unless I know that an Amazon package is arriving, I don’t give the mailbox a second glance. Today, I have a congratulations card and a small gift to put inside my mailbox, so I am reacquainted with the paper process again.
Did you know you can buy stamps online and have many choices? There are! There are stamps to save the manatee, Betty Ford, Thank You, Congratulations, Thank a Health care worker, and so many other themed stamps. My Aunt introduced me to this, and I purchased some to go with the sentiment of the card I am sending. How fun! Just Google stamps from the US post office and see what comes up.
So, what did I learn during my first week of putting my electronics away? I do more online when I plan to look up, order, and check online. I am hardly on the laptop or phone. I intentionally use the electronics for what they are intended for. They are tools to use, not mindless objects, to pull me away from being present with those I want to spend my time with. Excellent, and it’s only been four days, but I started preparing a week before the first day of my challenge.
PS: In full transparency, I have caught myself repeatedly checking Facebook and Instagram when I am sitting at my desk, where my cell phone is. I am not perfect, but I am asking God to show me positive insights to engage my mindset more. This is a prayer He is happy to answer.
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