If you were a book, what part would you be?

I recently asked the following question, “If you were a part of your Bible, what part would you be?”
I was asking them if they would be the spine of the book, table of contents, Title of the book, etc.
I was absolutely floored with their comments.
I have included some below for you to see the energy that was put into answering the question.
For me, I will start. I would be the ribbons because I hold space for others to come to or come back to.
Here are a few of the other replies.
- The Psalms- because I always have a song in my heart.
- I would be the hand scribbled notes in the margins revealing inspiring parts of my walk
- I would be the bookmark because I pick up and move to where I am needed temporality.
- I am a part of the Bible, I’m the “whosoever” in John 3:16!
- If I were a part of the Bible, I would be a map illustrating the journeys of the disciples and figures of the Old and New Testaments because I love to travel and share where I have been.
- I would be the commentary because I’m always trying to explain things in context in a palatable way. I like things to make sense for all!
- I’d be the footnotes because I love extra “trivia” or added info to help explain things or see it differently - my students, though, call my trivia rabbit trails.
- I would be the table of contents because I like to tell people where to find what they need.
- I would be the spine of the bible because I hold people together when there is grief.
- I think I could be the outside cover of the Bible because I have so many ideas, stories, and thoughts that all need housed within one binding. Yes, the outside cover is what I would be.
- I would be the maps! I tell people where to go and how to get there.
- I would be the book of Exodus. I am always wandering around lost!
- Weights and Measurements section in the back of the Bible. I’m a person who needs to know exactly what the weight and measurement of something is. I like details!
This was such a fun exercise to be able to open with. It gave us insight into who the people were online and in class.
Can’t you just see the type of person who would say that they are the table of contents because they like to tell people where to find what they need? I can!
What about the person who said that they would be the maps because they tell people where to go and how to get there. Ha! Very direct.
It was insightful for sure and informative, but it is also a good point to show that the Bible is made up of parts.
Parts that all fit together to house the sacred text that God has given to us.
So, now I am asking you?
Give it some thought.
If you were a part of your Bible, what part would you be?
I’d love to hear!
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