How to Wake Up Curious and Excited

I woke up this morning curious and excited about getting to my Bible for my early morning devotion time.
Why could I not have had that feeling over the past three mornings?
What is different about today?
I had no idea and then it came to me!
This is such a cool secret that I am not sure I want to share it with you.
OK! Ok! Twist my arm!
Oh my goodness…. the secret to me waking up curious and excited about my Bible reading this morning is…
I prepared for it the night before!
Earth-shattering, I know! Ok, I will type in a calm and professional manner now.
When I get up in the mornings, I hit the “Brew” button on my coffee pot and then go get myself half ready for the day.
Not a “full mascara and put my shoes on” moment but more like, “brush my teeth and put on my robe” type of ready.
Not fully committed to the day, just take it in a bit.
When the coffee pot beeps, I am there for that sound of coffee being poured into my cup and I walk to my kitchen table to join the Lord who has been patiently waiting for me to open the Bible and engage.
Waking up with Bible reading, journaling, coffee, and God is my routine and delight. The day goes better, and the Lord easily redeems my time spent with Him in magnificent ways.
Back to today and what made today a curious and exciting event.
The night before, I pre-prepped the coffee maker and set the auto time for it to brew 15 minutes before I normally get up.
I laid out my journal and Bible, found my favorite pen to write with and put my favorite small quilt in my chair so it would be ready for me.
Finally, I placed my coffee mug on the counter with a spoon in it.
This morning, I simply walked into the kitchen with everything ready and when I got to the table (6 minutes earlier than normal) I felt cared for and ready.
The funny thing is that it was me who cared for…me. Amazing.
I love routines and feel that they make the day go smoothly.
Curious if I have added it to my wind down the day routine? With great excitement, I have! It is such a no brainer and adds a perfect way to begin the day.
What could you do in your evening routine that prepared you for your Bible devotions time with God in the mornings?
I really am curious about this! Send me a note, I’d love to hear.
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