3 Steps to Introduce Yourself to Your Bible

Owning a Bible is an honor, responsibility, and an endeavor worthy of signing your name to it. Shara Neubert
I received a new Bible for Christmas and as I sat down this morning to “introduce” myself to it I wondered, how do I introduce myself to the book that already knows me?
The book that is living and active according to Hebrews 4:12. The book that will walk alongside me in every moment of my life and give me insight into the very God who breathed the words on the page?
Then I figured it out!
1. Prayer. 2. Sign my name. 3. Add post-It tabs.
Let me explain.
First, I prayerfully asked the Lord to guide my mind whenever I opened the cover of this book.
I don’t know how else to start the introduction and this just seemed right.
Second, just like meeting a new friend, I told my name by writing it on the Presentation Page.
Almost all Bibles have a page for you to write your name and contact information. There is usually a “presented by” and “Date or Occasion” line as well. I always fill this in with lots of detail.
I write my name, email address and phone number just in case I leave it someplace by accident. This way whoever finds it will be able to reach out and contact me so I can retrieve it. I write a note about who gave me the Bible or what the reason is that I have purchased this specific one. I want to remember the details as the years go by and more importantly, so my children will know why their mother owns yet another study Bible.
Finally, I turned over to the Contents page to familiarize myself and be introduced to all the sections and topics included with this new Bible.
Wow, so many Bible helps. “What a great gift”, I say to myself as I place three post-It note tabs on the pages of Contents, How to Use the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, and the Index page at the back of the book. These are the pages that I will frequently turn to in the days of Bible reading ahead of me during this introductory period of our friendship.
Just like a new friend, having a coffee date with them is a common way to deepen a friendship and continue with introductions. But really, the introductions are not fully there until I put a coffee stain on its perfectly white pages as we share coffee. This is how I usually go about introductions.
Do you have your contact information inside your Bible? I am always surprised at how often people tell me, "No." A thought to ponder. Would you be broken-hearted if you lost your Bible?
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